Over Twenty Business Funding Programs
Over Twenty Business Funding Programs

Inside the OwnersPath private label business finance pre-qualification and become bankable system there are over twenty (20) business funding programs. Initially these are what is called "non-bankable" or "alternative" business funding programs such as; credit cards, revenue based loans, merchant account advances, receivables factoring, purchase order financing, business owner credit based term loans, contract financing, asset based lending, commercial real estate financing and more. These alternative type business financing programs do not require your clients to be "bankable" because they are designed to serve higher risk of default small businesses that are not yet bankable. Once your clients utilize the resources and instructions in your private label to become bankable, there are many more funding programs that open up to them on more favorable terms.

More Than 200 Direct Business Lenders

Your private label system contains a database of over two hundred (200+) direct lenders which is typically ten (10) or more direct lenders for each available business funding program. These direct lenders range from small to large with many of the larger direct lenders seeking relationships only with brokerage firms that are producing a large monthly volume of pre-qualified applications. These larger lenders will require your private label to be producing hundreds of pre-qualified and completed documentation applicants before they will approve your firm to submit applications to them. Other listed direct lenders will accept transactions from lower volume brokers.

200+ Direct Business Lenders
Approval on Hundreds of Credit Cards
Approval on Hundreds of Credit Cards

The private label system contains the approval criteria of over two hundred forty (240+) credit cards from thirty (30) credit card providers. This includes business and personal credit cards and zero percent (0%) interest starting period credit cards along with non-zero interest cards. The system details the credit card's typical approval amounts and their typical FICO score approval floor as well as which credit agency is typically used. This database is for "cash only" type credit cards and not for "store type" credit cards that are contained in a separate database and also available inside the private label system.

Data on Revolving and Vendor Credit Providers

Inside your client's side pre-qualification and become bankable success system, your private label provides them with access to both revolving and net 30 vendor type business credit reporting accounts. These include hundreds of store and fleet type revolving type business credit cards that are typically underwritten by Comenity, Syncrony, Citi, WEX and Elon. Your clients also have access to net 30 payment type business credit lines for vendors offered their products and services on those credit payment terms.

Data on Revolving and Vendor Credit Providers
Next Level Over 3,000 Providers
Next Level Over 3,000 Providers

Once your small business clients achieve the goal of becoming bankable they can access a database of over three thousand (3,000+) vendor lines of credit for almost every product and service imaginable available on net 30 day payment terms. These lines of credit are offered by very large companies that are seeking relationships with well established, productive and profitable businesses. They are providing lines of credit that can easily exceed half a million dollars ($500,000) or more. Once your clients become bankable they will find that many of these larger business credit line providers will reach out to them.