Your private label has been designed to cover the basics of business success. It helps your clients with; business financing, building business credit, accessing credit, optimizing their online presence, local marketing, and creating value in their business for a possible future sale.
Your private label contains an extensive business finance pre-qualification tool that scans 150 data points on your business clients and returns to them their scan results. Your clients know instantly where they stand for business financing, business credit and so very much more.
Building business credit the right way and doing an excellent job of it is something our private label does extremely well. For over 20 years we have helped private labels service the business financing and credit needs of their clients with the best automated online system available.
Your system will not only help your clients build business credit and obtain business financing, it will also help them to build value in their business so that in the near future their business is attractive to new buyers who will be willing to pay a premium price for it.